So remember that one time I served with this awesome Sister in the MTC? Remember how I served with the other Sister from my MTC district that came out with us?
Guess who my new companion is. Yeah, my
MTC companion. Sister Barnett!!!
She was in Pocatello, training after 3
months, tearing it up in the once-slowest area of the mission. Now her trainee
is training at 8 weeks. So if that doesn't say anything about the two of them,
I'll say more: she's AWESOME!!! We're getting work done in da Burg!
We got 4 new investigators in 3 days!!
Two are sisters, Sydney and Sarah, and they're super cute! They both want to
get baptized--it's just a matter if their dad thinks they're ready to make that
decision (which we know they are; they're great!) Their parents reactivated
about a year ago, and they're just awesome!
Another is a little girl named Levi! She
lives with her grandparents, who haven't been back to church for years. We've
gone over to their house a few times before when Levi wasn't around and got to
know Ace and Susan (her grandparents), so we already had a pretty good report
with them when we dropped by again to meet Levi. We talked about baptism and
the Restoration, and Levi really wants to be baptized! Then Ace mentioned that
if she wants to get baptized, it needs to be a family effort and they need to
get back to church. (!!!) So they came to church yesterday!! Several people
went over to Ace and Susan and were super excited to see them back. It was
really a heart-warming experience.
We also had someone set up an appointment
with a nonmember on campus! His name is Jake and he's married to a member. He
already has strong faith in Christ and loves the standards of the Church, but
doesn't feel the same connection with the Book of Mormon as he does with the
Bible. However, he said he would be very happy to find out if this is
We also had wonderful lessons with So,
Wele, and Katherine! We talked to So about accepting small answers from the
Spirit, and talked about taking courage with Wele, with whom we set another
baptismal date after addressing her concerns about it! It's going to happen!!
Katherine has been prepared so much, especially in the past week and a half
since we've seen her. She told us she looks at people studying the Book of
Mormon and paying tithing and can see herself doing all those things, but then
doubts creep in, especially about her family. The lesson basically ended up
with us helping her realize she already knows what she needs and wants to do,
it's just a matter of how her family will react. We know, though, that things
will all work out. Even though they probably won't be easy, they will work
Also, Sister Barnett and I may or may not
whip each other with dish towels. And tackle each other. And hit each other.
And scare each other. ....But we really do love each other, I promise!
Also, talk about a great worldwide broadcast. Mm mm good.
This week, read Elder Neal A. Maxwell's talk "Notwithstanding my Weakness." And your scriptures. DAILY.
I know this work is good. I know that
the Book of Mormon is true and that God is my loving Heavenly Father, and those
things keep me going! I know that if we are faithful through trials, we will be
blessed with comfort and strength, and I know that through Christ's Atonement,
we can not only be cleansed from sin, but we can have someone by our side,
guiding us through our lives.
I love you all so much! Thank you for all your support and prayers! Know that I pray for you all daily!
Love, Sister Jacobson
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