Monday, April 15, 2013

Incredible Week

Dear family,

I'll cut straight to the chase.  This week was incredible.

To start off, last Friday Sister Kuhns and I decided to have a fast.  We told Heavenly Father that we were going to try even harder to be exactly obedient.  We asked Him that if we were EXACTLY obedient EVERY day that coming week, that would He please put someone in sacrament meeting on Sunday we'd never met before and would want to be baptized.  

THEN, for a zone meeting, our zone leaders challenged us to take a 40-day fast from anything that is keeping us from being exactly obedient on our missions.  Sister Kuhns and I went through the White Handbook table of contents and found all the little things that we could work on and committed to completely turning our will over to the Lord's will.  And dang.  We've seen so many blessings.  

One, we've had potential investigators coming out of the woodwork!  We taught a lady named Jessica.  She's pretty much a flower child, and she is SO cool!  She has a great relationship with God, and when she said the closing prayer, thanked God for us sharing our "liiiight and loooove" with her.  Love it!  There are a lot of other people that we've talked to in the street and other random places that have agreed to have a lesson as well!  We've also had some doors slammed in our faces, but that's not important.  It just motivates us to work harder!

However, I have to tell you the best moment of my entire life.  We walked out of a church meeting yesterday, and we saw a man in a wheelchair in the foyer talking with a member.  We started talking with him and he told us his name is Cody and he has cerebral palsy.  We asked him what brought him to church, and he said that his grandma died a few weeks ago, and he decided it was time to go to church.  We told him that we were the missionaries, that we teach people about the Gospel, and he agreed to a lesson that night!  And he went to all three hours of church!  AND apparently the man was telling this member that he wanted to meet with the missionaries and be baptized right as we walked in!

We had an incredible lesson with him last night.  He is one of the purest, kindest, most amazing people I have ever met, and he was so excited when we taught him how to pray and told him he could find peace through the Book of Mormon.  We asked if he would be baptized.  He said yes.  We asked if he would be baptized on May 11th.  He said yes.  (That happens to be Katie's birthday!!)

Fasting and prayer are real.  Heavenly Father will always answer our prayers, and if we put forth hard work, He will grant us our desires.  Miracles happen through God.  We just have to trust that He will make it happen.  I know that "I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me."

Challenge for the week: we've been challenging all members we've met with to take a Book of Mormon, write their testimony in it, and prayerfully hand it out to someone.  So, could you all write your testimonies in a soft-cover Book of Mormon and send it to us, please?  1. We're running low on copies.  2. We can flood our area not only with copies of the Book of Mormon and the power it brings, but also with personal witnesses of its truthfulness.  Imagine the far-reaching effects!  It's amazing!  The Book of Mormon has power in and of itself, but an additional witness will invite the Holy Ghost into the heart of the reader even more effectively.  I know the Book of Mormon is true.  It started as just a desire to know and grew, gradually, to the knowledge I have today.  It has changed my life forever.  

I love you all so much!  Thank you for your prayers and support!  I love you, I love you, I love you!! 

Sister Jacobson                                                
                              * Our dear friends from the Hill Cumorah Pageant who live in Texas, the Chattertons, got to stop by the Idaho Falls Visitors Center and spend some  time with our sweet Katie! She got to give them a tour and share some experiences with them. We love Katie sightings!

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