Hey family & friends!
This has been one of the strangest weeks of my mission! Unfortunately, Sister Mork's health has called her home after a valiant effort. Since then, I've been with Sister Faagai (pronounced "fa-ah-NGA-ee"), whose companion got her visa to Brazil (Sister Riding, my mission sister) a few days before. So we're serving both in my area and in Highland! It's been so fun!
This has been one of the strangest weeks of my mission! Unfortunately, Sister Mork's health has called her home after a valiant effort. Since then, I've been with Sister Faagai (pronounced "fa-ah-NGA-ee"), whose companion got her visa to Brazil (Sister Riding, my mission sister) a few days before. So we're serving both in my area and in Highland! It's been so fun!
be converting that area into a Sister Training Leader area. I am SO excited for these next few months!
Overall, this week has been full of heartaches, miracles, goodbyes, hellos, and li hing mui parties at quarter after 10:00.(We had this in Hawaii. It's a powder you put on fresh fruit and it makes the flavor pop!) It's been exhausting, and it's been a blast. I've really seen God's hand in sustaining not only me, but those I love as well. He truly knows us--better than we know ourselves--and He loves us. Never doubt that! He loves you! Way more than you or I deserve, most of the time, but nevertheless, He does.
And I love you all, too!
-Sister Jacobson
Sister party on the way to mission leadership council!
Sister party on the way to mission leadership council!
Sisters in Pocatello Central District
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