It was so good to see you all on Skype yesterday!!! I especially loved hearing Hudson and Haylee yelling "hello" from all over the house. It was a nice touch :)
This week has been awesome!! Sister Rye's stomach is getting better, and we've been seeing miracles lately: we set three baptismal dates within 48 hours!! Two with investigators we've been teaching for a while, one with a man in our first lesson with him!
I've noticed the theme for this week has been faith, work, and miracles. With both So and Welecele (two of our investigators with baptismal dates now), we felt like we needed to ask them to set a date by which they would be baptized, promise Heavenly Father they would do everything in their power to be obedient to His commandments, and work hard to do just that. We promised them that if they exercised their faith, then worked their hardest, they would overcome their obstacles by the time the date rolled by. We had been praying about the days, and we know they can do it. They both agreed to work. I know that as we do our absolute best, even though our best isn't enough, that's when God picks us up and carries us to where we need to be. Miracles HAPPEN. Through faith and obedience. And if we ask for something righteous, God be willing, He will grant you what you ask for.
Julio is the other investigator with a baptismal date. He and his friend Manuel came to Rexburg to visit a friend on BYU-I campus a few months ago. The friend wasn't there, but they saw a bunch of people going into a building, so they followed and went to an LDS church service! They felt something different, and kept coming back. So a few weeks ago, the bishop of that ward called us and asked us to come meet them. We got to know them and talked about how through the Gospel, we can live in our families forever. They both said that's what they want, and they want to know more! Manuel was in Mexico this weekend, but we were able to meet with Julio. They are both so sweet and so receptive to the Spirit! So grateful the Lord is trusting us to work with some of His choice children.
I know that this is where I need to be. I know the Book of Mormon is true, and because I know that, I know Joseph Smith was a prophet of God and this is the true church on the earth today. I prayed, over and over again, and I finally came to recognize the Holy Ghost speaking peace to my soul, witnessing the truth of it to me. I love sharing the happiness this knowledge has given me, and I'm excited for more amazing experiences to come!
I love you all. Read the Book of Mormon and pray about it. Gain and regain your testimonies. It's such a sweet joy.
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