Just another beautiful [week] in the neighborhood! ("Mr. Rodgers'
Neighborhood, ep.1-3000). Seriously, I've turned 3 different shades of
pink, I think, and it's now mellowing into a nice semi tan! And my hands
are still purple. I'm part chameleon, for those who don't know me.
Also, I got proposed to this week! We were blitzing another sisters' area,
and we came upon this guy sitting outside with three empty beer cans next
to him, a cat on his lap, and a nice slur to his words. After talking to
him and finding him pretty receptive, we said, "When you know these things
are true, will you be baptized by priesthood authority?" and he said, "I
dunno, will you marry me?" ...We said no. But told him his girlfriend
might! We gave him a Book of Mormon to show him no hard feelings. Poor
Aside from drunk proposals and gnarly vitamin D absorbing, we were also
able to have some great lessons this week! We were able to solidify
Mirian's desire to be baptized and committed her to tell her family about
it. That should have been this past weekend, and we're excited to hear how
it went! She believes this is true from the Spirit she feels when we teach
her, and we're emphasizing how reading the Book of Mormon regularly and
praying about it will only strengthen that belief and make her happier.
Caleb is doing so well! He is one of the most humble people we've ever
met, let alone humble intellectual. He read 10 chapters from the Book of
Mormon in like 4 days and said he's praying about it! He hasn't received
or recognized his answer yet, but with his sincere desire to know, he'll
get it. We have confidence in the power of the Spirit that comes from
reading the Book of Mormon and praying about it. We also have confidence
in his open, earnest attitude in studying. He has some of the coolest
questions--we love meeting with him!
A Saudi Arabian fed us Arabian food the other day! He said he's not
interested, but he took a Book of Mormon and calls us "dear." Cool. We
also met a reactivating member's roommate outside the other day! Her name
is Elizabeth and has had several experiences in her spiritual life that
have prepared her for the Restored Gospel! We're really excited to start
teaching her!
I'm not going to lie and say a mission is easy--it's grueling,
heart-breaking, back-breaking, not-for-the-faint-of-heart, blood, sweat and
tears WORK--but it's such a party, too! I LOVE being here! I won't be
reverse trunky (my own phrase meaning "focused on how much you don't want
to go home" rather than the normal "focus on how much you want to go home"
trunky), but I'm going to dig deep and enjoy every single second I have
left! It's missionary work! Get excited!
Love you all,
Sister Jacobson
Sorry for no pics last week:
1. This is me on our new pet's head.
2. This is our new pet.
3. This is our new pet eating one of our zone leaders.
4. Gorgeous companion with gorgeous Idaho
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