We asked Wilber how he feels about his baptism coming up. He simply said, "I'm ready." I think our insides did the Macarena. He's just amazing. Need I say more?
Chriss is making SO much progress! We went over with a member the other day, and it turns out he's the perfect fellowshipper for her! He was a convert to the church with a similar conversion story to where she is now. She feels kind of guilty for investigating another church when she's been Catholic for 60+ years, but she's starting to recognize the change in her life. He started talking about how while he was investigating the Church, he started reading the Book of Mormon more and more and didn't really know why, and Chriss said, "Oh, so maybe that's one of my signs!" My insides got good at the Macarena this week. She's been reading the Book of Mormon with increasing fervor, and she even told us that we had become a big part of her life. (Cue the obligatory "awwww!") We've been having more contact with her, brought her hot chocolate the other day so she could have that instead of coffee.... she's just so amazing! We love her so much!
Kenzie's still solid. Church was a party with her yesterday.
Halloween: locked up from 5:00-9:00 with our zone of missionaries in a stake center. Pot luck. Space Jam. Wreck-it Ralph. (The iron tear glands of Sister Jacobson may have been breached a few times during that movie...) Yay.
Another is a foreign exchange student from Italy! She's been living with members here, has gone to church and seminary, and loves it all! Protocol states she can only be baptized here with her parents' written permission, understandably, and her host dad told us later that her parents are coming to visit around Christmas! We haven't talked to her about it yet, but how amazing would that be for her parents to be here to witness it? She already feels the Spirit and knows it's all true. She's an absolute sweetheart. We're also playing tennis and eating barbeque (Texas style for Sister McKnight) with her and her host family today. So fun!
Mission Leadership Council. Always a party. We got to ride up to Idaho Falls with President and Sister Brinkerhoff! LOVE them! Also, all the New York missionaries in the mission minus Elder Cook were there, so we took a picture. Sorry, Elder Cook and associates!
Began teaching Jim. SWEETHEART. We love him.
There is no way in under on God's green Earth that this Gospel is not true. I know it. I live it. I love it. And I never won't know it, live it, or love it. Read Alma 5 and assess your "mighty change of heart." Mine is changing every day!
So much love,
Sister Jacobson
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